Gather as You Go
Gather as You Go


How to give 300+ mini-gifts?

Give Gather As You Go – it covers lessons learned about: life, leadership, purpose, family, the toughest of times, celebrations and more.


Why Did I Write This Book

I have had a ton of experiences; I believe I’ve had more experiences of different kinds than a lot of people have. Good things have happened, as well as a bunch of rough stuff, and there are lessons to be learned from each. If I share these “wisdoms,” maybe I can help other people. A lot of the concepts in this book are mine and originated with me; but many are also things I have heard along the way and thought were so smart that I incorporated them into my life and my thinking...Read More

Keeping Priorities Top-of-Mind

For me, early on, life got very clear. My first child, Craig, was born seven weeks early: four pounds, eleven ounces, but healthy. I got Read More

Things Don’t Always Go as Planned

My first pregnancy was uneventful until it wasn’t. Almost seven weeks before I was due I started bleeding—talk about scary. I was at a restaurant Read More

Finding Your Strength

Take an active, cute, and athletic boy, about to enter high school, who skis, swims, rides, and plays tennis. And one day HE notices (not Read More

The Gift is to the Giver

Years ago a dear friend gave me a plaque that reads:  “The gift is to the giver.” This sentiment has helped me tremendously, especially when Read More

Stop Always Thinking It’s the Cancer

My sweet Bobby lived with all the issues that come with brain cancer for close to four years. And he really was a trouper. But Read More

The Gift of Time

When you have a friend in need, it is so difficult to know what to do. When you offer help they may say,  “No, we’re Read More