Gather as You Go
Gather as You Go


How to give 300+ mini-gifts?

Give Gather As You Go – it covers lessons learned about: life, leadership, purpose, family, the toughest of times, celebrations and more.


Excelling in leadership is a life-long pursuit. It requires accountability to oneself, to others, and to our business (and life) endeavors. Our leadership wisdoms are founded in practical work experiences, honesty, positive communication, and empowering others.

Why Did I Write This Book

I have had a ton of experiences; I believe I’ve had more experiences of different kinds than a lot of people have. Good things have happened, as well as a bunch of rough stuff, and there are lessons to be learned from each. If I share these “wisdoms,” maybe I can help other people. A lot of the concepts in this book are mine and originated with me; but many are also things I have heard along the way and thought were so smart that I incorporated them into my life and my thinking...Read More

Creating a Culture that Values People

In 1994, I became president of our consumer products business, and we were in trouble. Our overall corporate numbers were good, carried by the strength Read More

Accentuate the Positive

It’s hard to believe, but it takes seven positive statements to counter one negative.  I heard that early in my career in business, and I Read More

Women Gather and Men Shoot

I believe there is a difference in the way a whole lot of women think and lead.  I agree with the adage that “Women gather, Read More

You Change What You Measure

My career in business is backed by a compilation of many “wisdoms” from others.  I love being a sponge. I met Al Crosson one day. Read More

Words Don’t Always Tell the Story

I have found over the course of my career that I would listen to a presentation, and sometimes, a few days later, be surprised by Read More

Who Are the Influencers?

I have always known this, but I also heard a professor at Northwestern University spell it out in detail.  When you’re in a business or Read More